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SOLLAR Token Sale
Who enjoy the benefits
Competition situation
SOLA Corporate overview
5 Those who enjoy the benefits(Fixing)

A)Individuals and companies that manage assets;
There is a merit that the interest rate is added to the yield of funds entrusted to SOLA,is linked to the results of poor assistance (number and ratio of C and D, etc.).

B)Individuals and groups involved in the talent pickup program;
Identify which part of poverty state A's aid funds can solve in terms of equality with the middle class or C. You can receive the benefits of SOLL and SOLL that have been evaluated by the improvement of the quality of society caused by D.

C)Individuals and groups who develop investment programs that blossom talent;
The amount and timing of investment in D, education and training to develop D's talents, and discover and create opportunities such as competitions, research and entrepreneurship that make use of D's talents to society.
B and C may be linked or united.
You can receive the benefits of SOLL and SOLL that have been evaluated by the improvement of the quality of society caused by D.

D)Individuals or groups eligible for assistance by the poor;
Eliminate your poverty, join society on a level equal to or higher than the middle class, and use your talents for social development.
You receive the SOLL you need to do that, and with the program developed by C, you can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, and get opportunities such as competitions, research or entrepreneurship that make use of it in society.

E) A you can choose B ・ C & D. Then, the investment effect you selected will be evaluated, and you will receive the benefits of SOLL and SOLL that are allocated to the investment yield.

F) Anyone who has gained some social success in D is required to make an effort (not an obligation) to become one or some of A, B, or C.

G) B / C is evaluated and the result is fed back to the subsequent B / C improvement.

H) The existence of this system itself stabilizes society, develops culture and economy, and as a result, the world economy improves at an accelerated pace.

5.2 Innovators of financial services and society as a whole
The irreversible wave of innovation currently taking place in the financial services industry (especially virtual currency and its underlying blockchain / distributed ledger technology) is often referred to as the “Fintech Revolution”, and traditional financial services in all aspects Is expected to be completely destroyed. This will ultimately be better, faster, cheaper and intermediary for all people, including “unbanked” who have no access to the bank estimated to have more than 2.5 billion people worldwide It brings financial services without a contractor.

We believe that the acceleration of this trend is the significance of SOLL.

(C) FDEN(For Development Ecosystem Nourishment All rights reserved.)