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Poverty alleviation promotion system (international patent pending)

(Please read Japanese for exact content.)


You eliminate poverty by an effective investment method focusing on making the poor with talents independent.


You find talented people buried in the poor.

You put funds in an efficient manner, pinpoint and focused on that talent.

You support the education of the human resources, find out the talents that should have been buried in the environment so far, and put them into human society.

They bring about the vitalization of the whole society and at the same time accelerate the development speed of the whole economy.

Furthermore, it contributes to an increase in investor assets by increasing the investment yield of related investors.

At the same time, it provides a way to accelerate poverty alleviation.

In some cases, a cryptographic asset is interposed in each of these parts to simultaneously provide the value of the cryptographic asset itself.

In some cases, AI and / or blockchain is used for system management.
(C) FDEN(For Development Ecosystem Nourishment All rights reserved.)